About Acupuncture

There is evidence to suggest that a form of acupuncture was practiced in Eastern Russia over 2,500 years ago and we know that over time many different styles and traditions of practice have grown throughout the Far East and beyond. However the one common principle they all hold is that health and well-being is achieved by balancing the Life Force or Qi ( pro. Chee) within a person.

It is perhaps not useful to list symptoms that acupuncture may help since the cause of one person’s anxiety, migraine, heartburn or knee pain is unique to them and it is by treating the person’s underlying constitution rather than the symptom that will bring about a more sustained and long term improvement.

Many conditions will respond well to acupuncture and Stephen is always happy to discuss likely outcomes based upon his clinic experience.


“By the time I found Stephen 10 years ago (who came highly recommended by a close friend) I was desperate. I had severe digestive issues including awful bloating that started in the morning and got progressively worse over the day. I couldn’t even eat a salad without it causing more pain and bloating.

Stephen has a wonderfully sunny, positive disposition and immediately made me feel at ease and confident that my health issues will resolve. And they did - within 6 sessions the bloating had gone, I was amazed.

Even though I am now a Functional Medicine Practitioner, I still see Stephen for seasonal ‘tune-ups’ to keep my metabolism and energy revved up. I also recommend him to my clients as my go-to acupuncturist.

I can’t recommend him enough and I urge anyone with any type of health issue to try his very specific acupuncture technique. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.”

Sandra Ishkanes, Brighton.